
Billy And The Boingers - I'm A Boinger - Eva-Tone Soundsheets - 1987

I was kinda surprised at the quality of the A side of this flexi-disc, considering that I enjoyed Bloom County comic strips about as much as Cathy or Rex Morgan MD. Until today, I thought this and Doonesbury were the same comic. Prior to publication of the book the flexi was included in, a contest was held to send in songs as though they were written by the fictional band Billy and the Boingers (formerly Deathtöngue). First place went to The Harry Pitts Band for 'I'm A Boinger.' I get the feeling this band was either formed by some musically-inclined fans just for this contest, or were hired to ensure the "winning" song was actually decent.

Supposedly the Boingers were supposed to be a gag about heavy metal in the late 80's, but the first song sounds like it was made by people who don't know what heavy metal is, and it probably saves the song. The B side on the other hand, U-Stink-But-I-♥-You, was written and played by actual crossover thrash band 'Mucky Pup.' Musically and comedically, it doesn't do it for me. Apparently it was a fan favourite and they made a video for it which I can only assume is about as funny as the comic that inspired the song.

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